Common queries answered

Frequently asked Questions

Estimated Delivery Time:

  • United States: 4-8 business days
  • Europe: 4-7 business days
  • Australia: 4-9 business days
  • New Zealand: 4-9 business days
  • Worldwide: 5-14 business days

We fulfill orders within 2-4 business days before shipping, excluding weekends and public holidays. After your order is shipped from one of our global warehouses, you’ll receive a tracking code via email.

If your order is delayed and hasn’t arrived after 15 business days, please get in touch with our team. We are here to assist you and provide necessary support.

We accept two payment methods for your purchase:

PayPal: You can securely complete your purchase using PayPal.

Visa/Master Card: You can also pay with Visa or MasterCard through PayPal, even if you do not have a PayPal account.

After receiving your tracking code via email, please copy the code and insert it into the order tracking form on the “Track Your Order” page.

For customer support, you can reach us via email at or by filling out the contact form on our website.

Yes, we ship internationally to most countries around the world. To confirm if we ship to your specific country, please proceed to checkout or contact our customer support team for further assistance.

Typically, we strive to package all items from a single order together. However, depending on availability and logistics, there may be instances where items are shipped separately. Rest assured, you will receive all items from your order, even if they arrive in multiple packages. If you have any concerns about your order, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team for assistance.

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